
Posted on the 16 October 2012 by Liz @RiderChronicles

by Liz

Yes, FaceTime.The Apple version of Skype, a way of talking to your loved ones over the Internet while actually seeing their face.I enjoy using both of these apps with my friends and family that are 2500+ miles away.For the last two Christmas Eve and Mornings my parents in Michigan, Sister Micki in North Carolina and I Skyped next to our respective Christmas Tree’s and had our family Christmas over the net.Amazing.We can’t be together, so the next best thing is to have a three way web chat while laughing, enjoying some spirits and watching each other as we open the gifts that had arrived in the mail.
With the magical iPhone, I was able to do something that was crazy cool on the new Rapid Ride D line and the free wi-fi service on board.You guessed it!I FaceTimed with Mama on a ride into work.The day before the face to phone/phone to face view of the bus, Mama called and asked if I was on the bus yet so she could see it via FaceTime.My initial reaction was a hearty single exhale laugh.I am not a fan of talking on the bus at all.I don’t even like to talk on my phone at work due to the cubical world that everyone can hear your conversation, professional or personal same issues with me.I don’t take or make calls in the car if I’m with someone else.I will walk out of a room that is occupied with someone else if a call comes in.   Even if it’s going to be a short one and I’m done by the time I’ve hit the doorway.That is just me.
So why would I FaceTime with anyone in such a public place.Well, the odds were in my Mom’s favor that Wednesday morning when the back of the bus was empty and I snagged the seat with no one around.I took the opportunity before more stops had folks fill in the space around me and called Mama to FaceTime with her.I had my headphones in so I was the only one that could hear her.I talked a wee bit in a whisper that was probably not that much fun for her, but hey she knows my quirks, she’s my Mama!I showed her the bus the best I could in all of it’s shinny-ness new glory.She even made her co-worker Andy see the quick tour as we talked.
As the bus filled I started talking less and less and realized I was miming into my phone.Coming to the realization that I must have looked like escapee from the cuckoo nest.Granted I may actually already look like that to any observer.Wrapping up my show to Mama, I waved goodbye and signed I Love You and she reciprocated.What a treat!Stepping out of my comfy zone I got to have a quick chat and see my mom’s beautiful face.Not a bad way to start the day.