Facebook Status of the Day

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
Today's FSotD goes to the TOV movement..

The strange race for the Chief Rabbinate
In recent days it has seemed that there is nothing more important to Haredi Jewry than the identity of the rav who will man the seat of the Chief Rabbinate.
The media is teeming with deals and spin, the messengers are urgently leaving the houses of activists and assistants with deals and spin - as if the seat of the Chief Rabbinate is something the soul of Haredi Jewry depends upon.
Something strange is happening to us.
There were days when the Rabbanut was "muktze machmas tzionut". An institution that was designed by the rabbinic leadership of the Religious Zionists,  headed by Rav Kook zt"l.
The Rabbanut was perceived in haredi eyes as a clear tool of the State for imposing its strength over its citizens. Integration into the Rabbanut of the State is a clear expression of participation with the State and its people.
Today? The leaders of the Haredi community are fighting for the position of the seat of the Chief Rabbinate with such vigor as if it was at minimum the seat of the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezshe.
Why? For what exactly is this battle?
Do we have any obligation to obligate the systems of the State to act specifically according to certain poskim? Do we have an obligation that the rav of this city or that State should be specifically haredi?
What would we say, for example, if a Religious Zionist rav would demand to be appointed as the "Gaav'ad" of Jerusalem for the Eida Haredis? Would we not be in wonderment about this?
It is no wonder it seems strange in the eyes of people watching these battles  from the side, that people who declare that they have no portion in the State and in its systems, people who repeatedly say that they have no interest in integrating into it, and even are raining discussion of autonomy - now demands with strength a partnership in a bureaucratic position of the State of Israel.
And further: What is the difference to the Haredi community if this rav who is more connected or that rav who is less connected serves as Chief Rabbi in an institution we have nothing to do with.
The time has come for us to wake up and begin to deal with issues that are important to us: education, commerce, strengthening our ranks.
The issue of jobs for our associates is not essential, and should not be something interesting us.
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