Mayor of Bet Shemesh Dr Aliza Bloch announced today that work is going ahead full steam on the construction of the new municipal cultural center in Bet Shemesh, and also on the construction of the the branch of the youth organization Ariel. The city continues to invest in culture and in informal education. We work for you.
Included in the post is a picture of the new cultural center (and less interestingly of the youth organization building). From the picture it looks like the cultural center is nearing completion...
As you can see from the picture, Bet Shemesh is building the largest toilet bowl in the world. It might even qualify for the Guinness Book of World Records!
I still think Moshe Abutbol, former Mayor of Bet Shemesh who set the design for this cultural center and approved the construction, should win the award for the greatest troll ever.
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