Facebook Rolls Out New “Streamlined” Design for Pages

Posted on the 11 March 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Now, before you start to panic and go complaining all over the social networks, let me be clear that this new design is only rolling out for Facebook Pages, not user profiles. So, if you’re running a business page, a fan page or a celebrity page, this new design may appear to you in the next few days.

New design brings several new improvements to Facebook Pages including a column on the left side with important information, as well as new navigation options on the top of the pages for admins. There’s also a new feature called “Pages to Watch” that allows page admins to keep an eye on trending Facebook pages and get inspired.

Read Also: Twitter Experimenting New Facebook-Like Profile Redesign

I know this is completely out of the subject, but if you take a closer look at those page stats shown in that picture, you’ll notice that posts for Facebook’s official business page reached only 1 million out of its’ 4.5 million likes in the past week. So, don’t feel bad if your page isn’t doing well because even Facebook has to pay to reach the entire audience of their own Facebook pages.

[Via: CNET / Source: Facebook News / Image credit: melenita2012]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera