Facebook Founder’s Sister Must Really Be Embarrassed Of Unintended Photo Of Her Surrounded By Glasses of Water!

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Earlier this year, we wrote about how Google apparently inadvertently invaded its own privacy when its financial results were prematurely revealed.

Well, Facebook, it’s your turn, as according to the Silicon Valley Business Journal, Mark Zuckerberg’s sister posted a photo intended for private viewing, that a non-Facebook friend was able to see on Facebook, and spread to the world on rival Twitter. How could this possibly happen? Apparently if Mark’s sister tagged a mutual friend in the photo, the Facebook friend of the friend could see it in her news feed. Regardless of Zuck’s sister’s privacy settings.

Here’s a link to the photo, from the Gawker web page.

OMG! They’re all cooking and drinking water! We can see why this is big news and totally embarrassing to the Zuckerberg family, and a complete violation of their privacy worthy of the international news cycle!

3 More Embarrassing Things The Zuckerberg Family Could Be Doing In The Kitchen And Inadvertently Post To Non-Facebook Friends On Facebook

1. Reviewing Facebook stock quotes on Yahoo Finance. (It’s embarrassing because the price is down since the IPO, and Zuck may not be as cool as Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer).

2. Reviewing Facebook privacy settings. Like the new simplified link to the age-old question “Who Can See My Stuff?” (As we wrote yesterday, airport screeners can see your stuff.)

3. Drinking water that looks like its from the 1970s on Instagram! Careful, there could be Disco in that water, leading to more embarrassing family pics of dance moves!