{Face Your Dreams}

By Whimofthesouth

Each one of us has a dream they'd like to be able to live out one day. We imagine what it would be like to live in that place or create that business. But most people will never live their dream. Many put it on the back burner and never bother with it again. We watch people in our daily lives, on the news, in movies...all that live what they set out to accomplish. So what's holding you back?
Recently I've realized how much I've put off and where I want to be with what I'm passionate about and what I see myself as 10 years down the road. Apart from dreaming of a family, I dream of my career...what I'm doing and where that will take me. As a woman, 60 years ago, having a dream or wanting to do something creative and amazing with my life would have been unheard of and thought to be uncooth. I've made some amazing goals and plan on sticking with them so that one day, hopefully soon, they can be a reality.
What's holding you back?
Many of us can ask this...but not many will ever understand what is really holding us back. Take a moment to think about who you surround yourself with. What are their dreams? Do they have ambitions? Where do they see themselves ten or even five years down the road?
If they can't answer these questions...maybe its a reason you aren't willing to answer them as well.
What else? The Constant Partying.
I won't lie...I had my time when I've gone crazy...had "the freshman year" etc...but now, I'm nearing graduation and I still see so many people with that focus. How can you accomplish your dreams when you're focused on when the next "rager" will be? It's one thing to have fun...its another thing to base your whole self around that.
How can you start?
Create a goal plan. Little steps you take make it easier to see what you need to do. It makes looking at the big picture a whole lot less challenging.
Want to write a book? Write the first page...then go from there.
Dreams can be a scary thing, but if you look at the little pieces that build up to where you want to be, its not so frightening.
Make a check list for the next month and then reevaluate how far you've come.
Have someone to hold you accountable.
Research what you'll need to be able to accomplish that dream.
Stop. Procrastinating.I'm guilty of this too...and it has definitely put me back to a position of not being able to accomplish my dreams faster. Just remember, its ok to take a break. But make sure its not interfering with what you are striving for.