Face Lifting Mask

By Ngscents @ngscents

DIY Face Lifting Mask Tips

Using a face lifting mask for a truly excellent face lift at home will help you cleanse your pores and refresh your skin in a wonderful way. It will take some work but you can really enjoy this after a long and relatively tiresome day. You will need to make use of a blender when you prepare the mask, but all in all it happens to be a fairly easy thing to make if you have the time and inclination. All you need to create your masterpiece are the following materials:

  • A ripe, peeled banana and half an apple should be placed inside your blender, as well as about a teaspoon worth of lemon juice as well and roughly four teaspoons of honey. Once you have this ready, blend it into a smooth mix and pour it into a bowl. You should add some boiled and cooled oatmeal into the mix to complete its transformation. You can use some of the mix to spread it on your face, but you will need to ensure you have the right level of thickness on it to completely ensure you can benefit from using it. You can cover the mix and leave it for later in your fridge to cool down.
  • Once you have that done, you will need to move on to the next step on your list,  properly cleaning your face and finishing the job of keeping your pores freshened up. You can do that by using a cloth soaked in some hot water. Squeeze it out and spread it over your face, allowing its moisture to open your pores, letting the mask do its job more effectively overall. Doing so will help you a great deal as you will notice after you’re done using it.
  • Once the previous step is complete, use a dry and soft cloth to pat you face dry, then spread the mask around your face using your fingers. Since your mixture will harden as it dries out, you should not massage too hard. Do so just enough to ensure the exfoliation of your skin, allowing the mask to clean your face more effectively. The mask will need to stay on your face for the next twenty minutes if you want to easily move on to your next step.
  • Rinsing the mask when you’re done with some lukewarm water should allow you to almost finish the job. You can also use cold water, ice cubes and something similar that happens to be cold to close your pores when you’re done. Pat your face dry and you will deal with this last step.
  • You may also decide to use some toner after you’re done with your face mask, as it will help you remove the residue left after you’re done with it. You will need to restore the pH balance of your skin, so use some cotton balls and apply it to your face to avoid it drying out in the end. Once all of this is complete you can focus on kitchen cleaning and floor cleaning if you managed to spill some of the mask on the floor by accident.


We hope that you enjoyed this Face Lifting Mask recipe.  For even more fun and free facial mask recipes, visit our recipe box.