Fabulous Fantasy Magazines – FAE and Mermaids

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy


Faeries and Enchanted magazine is celebrating its 20th edition and their autumn anniversary issue includes a special feature on this year’s Three Wishes Faery Fest including photographs of their the ‘Largest gathering of fairies in one place’ world record. Imagine the photos of that! Also published this month is Mermaid & Mythology magazine, another gorgeously designed publication featuring articles on the ’Secret History of Mermaids’ and ‘Modern Day Mermaid Sightings’. Both magazines also list any special themed fairy events that going on around the country, as well as alternative clothing suppliers such as www.TutusWingsandPrettyThings.com. So if you like all things fairy and fantasy you really should check out these magazines, available to buy online and in some specialist newsagents.

FAE Magazine photoshoot featuring www.TutusWingsandPrettyThings.com