Fabulous Christmas Gift Guide Ideas for All Budgets

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

From stocking stuffers and Kris Kringle/Secret Santa/White Elephant gifts to useful and desirable things for your family and friends (or even something to hint at for others to give you. I've been looking around to find fun and fabulous gifts to give.

Where To Buy Gifts Under $10

Where to Buy Gifts Under $50

Where to Buy Gifts Over $100

And if you'd like to receive the gift of style this Christmas - why not send a hint to a loved one and let them know that you'd love a 7 Steps to Style membership - the membership lasts forever and there are over 20 hours of video as well as 200 pages of manual and workbook to go through in the program. This is the most comprehensive style, colour and wardrobing program anywhere! It covers:

  1. How your personality influences your choice of clothing
  2. All aspects of your body shape, proportions, scale, facial features and which clothes will flatter you physically
  3. A personal colour analysis -find out your ideal colour and value contrasts as well as your best range of colours
  4. Your yin and yang and how that communicates
  5. How your values influence the kinds of clothes and clothing choices you make
  6. How to audit your wardrobe
  7. What you need in your wardrobe for your lifestyle
  8. Shopping tips and strategies so you stop wasting money on the wrong clothes

All this and more - there are bonus videos, a fabulous and supportive Facebook group (purely optional) and you never lose access to the materials, so you can work through them at your own pace, and revisit anytime you like for the rest of your life!

We've set up a system so you can email someone and let them know that this is your ideal Christmas Gift and if they choose to buy it for you, it will be delivered to your inbox on Christmas morning!