FABruary Style Challenge Wrap

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Lisa’s Interpretations of the FABruary Style Challenge

Well FABruary is over and I’m a little exhausted from trying to write a blog post every day (there were a few that I missed…I’m not perfect).  But what I’ve absolutely loved is how so many people have embraced the FABruary style challenge and tried out a whole load of things that they might not have before.

Answer me these:

What I want to know now is what did you discover?

Will you be wearing outfits that you created during the FABruary challenge that you’ve otherwise not worn before?

How much of your wardrobe did you use?  How much still didn’t get a look in (seasonal items excepted)?

Did it make it easier or harder for you to get dressed each day having a ‘plan’ of sorts?

How did the people around you react to your style challenge outfits?

Which was your favorite day?

Did you enjoy seeing other people’s outfits?

I can tell you that I got a real kick out of seeing your pics on Facebook and Twitter and your blogs.  It’s inspired me to think up another couple of challenges.  The next one will be in April, so keep you eyes peeled for it.  I will give you advanced warning so you can prepare!

Sharon didn’t let pregnancy get in the way of the FABruary Style Challenge! Here she is in Shades of Grey

If you haven’t seen Susie’s FABruary round up, then check it out over on her blog.  I love that she’s taken the challenge to heart and is now combining!

And Tat over at Rate My Outfit took up the challenge too – if you haven’t seen her work check it out now!

Rocking Lace – Suzanne of An Air of Distinction

I loved that even other image consultants weren’t afraid to get into the challenge – the gorgeous Suzanne from An Air of Distinction shared her pics on her facebook page every day.

Lazy Madonna (who I feel is anything but lazy) also featured her outfits daily on her blog.

Even though Google translate isn’t brilliant at Finnish, I loved seeing Micci’s posts on her blog and her gorgeous photography and outfits.

And if you’re Over 60 why not check out the stylings of Sue who also took part and documented her progress!

Jill Chivers of Shop Your Wardrobe was Going Green

If you want to share what you did in the challenge – feel free to link to it in the comments!