She may not be a household name yet but she will be. Inspired by the eponymous designer's wish to create contemporary handbags perfectly constructed to withstand the test of time and trends. Each piece is exclusively made from craftsmen in the Anjou region of France with leather materials sourced from Switzerland and Italy. The brand is the essence of high quality without the fuss and heavy pricing. Thank god I didn't have to find her in the Missed Connections section of Craigslist because a few styles are on sales at Bloomingdale's and the full Winter Collection is currently on sale on the Olivia Clergue shop site. SHOP OLIVIA CLERGUE
She may not be a household name yet but she will be. Inspired by the eponymous designer's wish to create contemporary handbags perfectly constructed to withstand the test of time and trends. Each piece is exclusively made from craftsmen in the Anjou region of France with leather materials sourced from Switzerland and Italy. The brand is the essence of high quality without the fuss and heavy pricing. Thank god I didn't have to find her in the Missed Connections section of Craigslist because a few styles are on sales at Bloomingdale's and the full Winter Collection is currently on sale on the Olivia Clergue shop site. SHOP OLIVIA CLERGUE