
Posted on the 20 September 2011 by Golfrefugees

Here is the first picture of Donald Trump’s proposed clubhouse for his controversial golf course on the Aberdeenshire coast. A single-storey design made from granite with echoes of Trump’s other Scottish home a 19th century mansion called MacLeod house, named after his mother.
The golf course is due to open next summer after a long struggle against locals and environmentalists. We all know that money talks and greased palms are the way of the business world.

But what about the traditional clubhouse design?

Golf Refugees feel it is a missed opportunity to create an innovative building using sustainable materials.

I wonder if it will collect and re-use the rainwater that will undoubtedly fall upon its roof?

Trump is currently appealing against a planning application to build a small wind farm near the golf course. Citing it will destroy the views and act as local eye-sore.
