Eyes in China, US Parliamentarians Urged Biden to Indian Partners at the Global Vaccine Supply

Posted on the 05 February 2022 by Geetikamalik

Encouraging the US to take the leadership role in sending vaccines, parliamentarians say that the allies are forced to use “sub-standards and ineffective” Chinese and Russian vaccines. The US Parliamentarians have praised India’s efforts in providing Covid vaccines to low-income countries.

A group of leading American lawmakers have written letters to President Joe Biden to ensure the global supply and distribution of coronavirus vaccines (Covid-19) vaccines because US partners and allies are forced to use the Chinese and Russian vaccine “sub-standard and ineffective. Bipartisan members of the US Congress Has urged Biden to use Corbevax, Indo-US collaboration, in a global battle against Covid-19.

Praising India’s efforts in providing Covid vaccines to low-income countries, parliamentarians urged the President to India and took the leading position in vaccine shipments. This seems to be the result of the efforts of the Indian Ambassador to the US, Tararjit Singh Sandhu, who has organized various outreach programs. In these programs, Indian diplomats have emphasized the partnership of strong health care between India and the US, and the potential of Indian-US collaboration to provide affordable vaccines / drugs, including development, especially Africa and Latin America.

This step is seen as a counter to China’s vaccine diplomacy, where the dragon has promised to contribute 600 million doses of Sinovac and other vaccines to many poor and developing countries in other worlds. The promise was made by China’s President XI Jinping in November last year, after the Omicron outbreak was detected in Africa.

“We have seen with the emergence of deltas and omicrons, the Covid-19 variant will continue to threaten our own domestic health and full economic recovery. While we recognize existing administrative efforts to supply Covid-19 vaccines around the world, global supply is very insufficient To fulfill urgent and urgent demand, “said parliamentary members in a letter written on Tuesday.

“Our partners and allies are forced to take advantage of the vaccines that are ineffective and under the standards of China and Russia, enemies who seek to use this pandemic for economic and political benefits,” they said next.

CORBEVAX, a two-dose protein subunit vaccine, is the result of collaboration between India and the US. It’s free of patent, affordable and requires lower logistics including cooling; The vaccine has been dubbed “Game Changer” in a global battle against a pandemic by US health experts. Corbevax accepted the authorization of emergency use in India on December 28, 2021, after a large clinical trial in the US based on a safe vaccine, well tolerated and more than 90 percent effective to prevent symptomatic infections.

The letter was led by Senator John Cornyn, co-chair, Indian Senate Caucus; Women’s Congress Eddie Bernice Johnson, Chair of the Science and Technology Committee; Michael Mccaul Congressman, Ranking Member of the Home Affairs Committee; Congressman Joaquin Castro, Chairman of the Home Affairs Subcommittee on International Development, and International Organization and Veasy Mark Congress, Members, House Armed Service Committee.

Separately, black caucuses have written to the President about vaccine cooperation and shipping.

“Global health experts have identified various needs where US leadership can have a real and direct impact to save lives and slow down the spread of Covid-19. The most important thing is to help state and send vaccines, especially considering generous investments by the United States In buying a dose, “wrote four members of the American parliament in the letter last month.

It was signed by Barbara Lee; Judy Chu, chairman of the Pacific Congress of America’s influential congress; Raul Ruiz, the chairman of the Hispanic Congress Caucus; and Joyce Beatty, chairman of the Congress black caucus.