Eye Candy Belle Honey

By Yessy_suwandi @yessy_1988
Hi, hi everyone!!
Cant't believe that we've reached almost the end of January!! It's already a month since the new year, huh?? Time sure flies!
Yesterday I've got a new circle lens from Tomato Shop. Once I read Yennyca's post about it few weeks ago, and finally I decided to buy it 😁

It comes with pink label on its bottle. Like the others Korean Circle Lens, it comes with a small glass bottle sealed by aluminum. Eye Candy has many varian of colours.
Mine is Belle Honey.

Diameter : 14.50mm
Water Content : 48%
Base Curve : 8.60
CT : 0.025mm
Made in : Korea
Not like another brown lens, it has a very soft colour, almost unseen. I was thought that it won't be visible on my eyes since it has a very, very soft color.
But yeah, my expectation was wrong, thanks God it looks quite nice on my eyes. Though it doesn't give any spectacular enlargement effect, but it does make my eyes looks much prettier, totally agree with Yennyca 😝
The lens was so thin and soft, maybe because it has a quite high water content (48%). It feels soft on my eyes and quite comfy maybe because the lens diameter isn't big.
If you look for a natural yet comfy circle lens, i highly reccomend you to buy this lens. In order you want to buy any circle lens, you can buy at Tomato Shop and get 10% discount by mention Yessy's Harmony.
SPAM ALERTT!!! Selca identifieddd *lol*

Bonus SPAM ❤ Presenting me wearing Eyecandy Belle Honey and my Fat Man ❤

Have any of you tried this lens? Share them below! 😊
Thanks for visiting and reading my blog, hope you find it useful!
Have a great weekend everyone ❤,