Exuberant Beauty. A Visit to Mainau Island

By Luphil

Nature and culture sometimes seem to be contradictions. You think of artificial arrangements and manipulation. But they can also enter into an alliance of an increased beauty. This was my impression when two weeks ago we visited Mainau Island in Lake Constance. It is a garden island and a model of excellent environmental practices. You find more information on their website.

We stopped in a nearby village and walked through a lovely alley of old plane trees to the bridge via which the island is linked to the mainland. Although it was a sunny Sunday with a lot of visitors it didn’t feel crowded. The lush vegetation was set in harmonious forms intersected by paths on different levels. The majestic château gives fantastic views over the lake which was filled by sailing boats. A highlight is the arboretum with high old trees like sequoias and cedars. I was specially thrilled by the papiliorama, a tropical center with hundreds of butterflies. Enjoy the impressions.