“Extra” Sensory Perception

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Double Veil by misslatoya

Lana Jenkins said 1 hour ago

I once heard of a double veil a long time ago you and me are old school so to speak. I love your caulbearer site Latoya and i just want to say thank you for staying real and not being afraid to be yourself and speak your mind the world needs more people like you.

misslatoya said 6 minutes ago

In reply to Lana Jenkins

Thank you, that was very kind and so sweet of you.

Yes, the double veil goes as far back as the seventh sister of a seventh daughter us old souls know about these things especially first-hand.

I enjoy writing on both my blogs when spirit moves me with that natural energy to write automatically. It allows me to use my creativity and talents within the most honest way at the same time connecting with the beauty of the universe, there is actual power in my writing and someone else even noticed it a while back.

They wrote to me and said “There is power in your sentences”. So certain people can see it.


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