Exploring Transunion’s Credit Lock

By Kathleen O'Malley @frugalportland

This post is written in partnership with TransUnion. All opinions are my own.

TransUnion’s Website

For those of you who are not already familiar, TransUnion is a credit reporting agency (which, apparently, started as a railcar holding company, whatever that is!) that monitors your credit. They use a different scale than Experian, so my score, while super impressive to someone like me who is used to the scores only going up to 850, TransUnion says I’m sitting at a “B” average.

Their interface is pretty, and their alerts are helpful. As soon as you create an account (and this one is fun to create, letting you remember an obscure address from many years ago), you’re in the dashboard, where you see your score, your debt analysis, and your credit report summary.

In the upper left-hand corner of your screen, you see a little padlock, where it says your credit is unlocked.

Credit Lock and TransUnion’s Mobile Site

Locking your credit is something that you do when there’s been some funny business. Maybe your credit card got stolen, or you found out someone was stealing your identity. Or maybe you went shopping at Target when all those credit/debit cards were stolen, and you’re worried about someone taking your information.

Now, with Credit Lock, you can lock your credit without calling all three bureaus. In fact, it’s really easy to do.

You just click a button on their website, or, get this, swipe your finger on their mobile app, and everything is locked.

Just like that.

How it All Ties Together

Credit lock is really neat, but perhaps only in the sense of extreme danger. It’s not Angry Birds, in that you’re not going to spend hours at a time using the app, but wow is it convenient when you do need it.

But the real beauty lies in how the monitoring system works with the app. See, you don’t have to worry. TransUnion will monitor your credit, then send you an email when something funny comes up. That way, you can just swipe, lock your credit, and get on with your day.

Have you tried Credit Lock?

Would you?