Exploring Clementi Woods Park in SmarTrike

By Chaayen
Exploring Clementi Woods Park in SmarTrike

For the sake of my own sanity, I have been exploring parks. Somehow walks in the parks clear my head better. If you are no homebody like me, grab a cup of cafe coffee and enjoy it at a park, it will make life a little sweeter. 

This time round, we are exploring Clementi Woods Park. Honestly, this didn't used to my sort of park. It is really green and boring. But now, I actually like how unpretentious it is. Maybe that's why the expats like it too. You don't really see many people there, great for Covid situation, only some ang-mohs walking their dogs or strolling with their kids. 

Exploring Clementi Woods Park in SmarTrike
I like to think I am walking my Dalmatian too! Hehe. We got our little one a trike and he loves it. There are many brands out there but this one caught my eye because it had character. It works like a stroller, just that it can be modified into a tricycle when baby is older. The shade can be adjusted and there is a little cup holder at the front. If it was foldable, this would have been perfect. Price-wise, SmarTrike has quite a strong brand so I think below S$200+ still seems reasonable. 
We were at Clementi Woods Park to do his 10 months photoshoot and baby turned a few heads. Hard not to I would think *chuckles*, he was dressed in The Suspender Shorts from the Baby Closet ($40.90) and was riding his trike proudly. We might be exploring more parks with baby in the next few posts. Now I really want to be a green parent too!
Note: Laptop is down, so posts won't be as frequent!