Explore Art Projects: Pop Art Turkey Hand Prints

By Myjoneses
Today we are going to talk about Pop Art, Andy Warhol and Hand Print Turkeys. Oh My!
We discussed Pop art is the Jasper John's alphabet collage project.  For a refresher pop art is an art movement that gained popularity in the 1960's.  It used famous, recognizable images of mass media, advertising to make art.  It redefined and questioned what is art.
Pop art is such a fun art movement to look at and discuss with children.  Not only do they both ask why alot, but children will be engaged by recognizing images, how they play with images and color often used in Pop art.
Andy Warhol is one of the most well known American Pop artists, notably for his Campbell soup cans and portraits.  He continually played with the idea of repeating and reproducing the same image.
Warhol in his early career worked with a blotted line technique, creating an image on one side of the paper and then folding it in half to reproduce it on the other side.  He later started working with silk screening, rolling ink across to get the same image but just slightly different every time.
Warhol's Marilyn Monroe portraits used the silk screening process.  Here's a few questions to pose when discussing this image with your child.  Look at how the image, portrait of Marilyn is repeated.  How does he use color in the painting?  What kind of color did he use? What do you think of these portraits?
Here's a worksheet I used with my Explore Art Class, containing the images used above along with some ideas for discussion:

Turkey Time:
Now on to today's project: Pop art/ Andy Warhol inspired Turkey Hand Prints.  I did this project with Cy and the Explore Art class, the kids were really into it as they are getting ready for thanksgiving.  This is also something most of them have done before either in school or at home.  They were comfortable with the project and open to learning more about our featured artist and how we were going to make Pop art.

  • Colored Paper
  • Washable Paint
  • Crayons
  • Accessories of your choice ex. feathers, googly eyes
We started with a Complementary Color Lesson, which was part of last week's post.  See both the Complementary Color Lesson post and how we put this to use with hand prints in the Complementary Hand print/ Thankful Tree post.  If you're working with a younger child or don't have time for the color theory lesson just let them pick what ever color hand prints that want!
Here's the worksheet we used in class:
You need at least 4 paint stamped hand prints on the same size square paper.  Keep with an even number 4, 6 or 8 to get the grid look like Andy Warhol's portrait painting.
Relating this project to Pop art talk with your child about using bright, non traditional colors like Andy Warhol did and how you are repeating the image, hand print just like he did in his art. 
Once your hand prints have had enough time to dry it's time to make them into turkeys!  I didn't give too much instruction at this point.  Let the kids figure it out, have fun and explore in their own way.  I provided feathers which we cut down to be about the size of their fingers, crayons and googly eyes.  Elmer's glue assembled everything.
There you go!  Everyone had fun making beaks, waddles, feet and gluing on eyes and feathers.  They didn't necessarily have all the turkeys match but that is the fun of it.  And just like Warhol's work each one in slightly different. 
Stop back for Friday's Art Finds for more great Turkey Project Ideas I've found on other blogs. Subscribe in a reader