Explore Art: Me

By Myjoneses
So usually Wednesday's are my Explore Art Project days, featuring new projects Cy has been working on.  Today I have something a little bit different.  Today is a little bit about me.
Art is something that has played an important role in my life and I believe helped to shape who I am.  For as far back as I can remember I've always had this desire to make and create things.  Art has been an outlet for me to channel energy into that gives me a sense of fulfillment and allows me to feel creative.
I have my Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts, I've dabbled in everything from drawing, painting, printmaking and ceramics.  I also enjoy crafting, sewing and re- purposing.  It is fun to fuse all of those things together into different projects.  
With young children it's often hard to find the time to make my own art.  I feel blessed I've been able to share and enjoy my love and world of art with Cy through our projects and sometimes open art session where we'll just sit and each draw, color or paint.  Over the past couple year's I've started some "children's paintings" which I'm going to share a few with you.
If you're familiar with Rousseau's The Dream, this is a wall mural in the kids' playroom inspired by that painting:
Explore Art: Me
Explore Art: MeI replaced the naked lady on the couch with an alligator.  Finished somewhere in 2008, Cy was still pretty little, I'd sneak in while he slept to paint.
Little Footstool that Could:Explore Art: MeI guess I never took a finished picture there is now an outline along the rim with the legs painted.  It is the official potty step stool.
Some Bunny Loves You rocker:Explore Art: Me

Donated rocking chair for the Heritage House, Daycare Auction 2009.
Under the Big Top Toy Chest:

Heritage House Auction 2010.  I liked the finished product but it was quite the under taking especially 6 months pregnant at the time crawling on the floor to paint it.
And one more, Patchwork of Love Horse:

Heritage House Auction 2011.  This one was more my size!  Patchwork inspired rocking horse, again I never take finished photos, the holes in the head were finished with yarn hair.
So there's a little bit about me and my art, or more how I still find art projects that allow me to a creative outlet.Subscribe in a reader