Explo Nani Koffi: Some Solutions to African Problems

Posted on the 30 June 2014 by Therisingcontinent @Ambrosenz

The seminar recorded on the video was held in London at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) on November 20, 2013. The theme was the role of community and local agency in promoting Pan Africanism.

Explo Nani Koffi, speaker at the seminar, is a Pan Africanist and director of the Kilombo Centre in Peki, Ghana. He explains a number of critical issues pertinent to developing a Pan African movement. He highlights for example the importance of intelligence and security inside organizational strategies of development, or the fact of being not too much worried of differing views in terms of approaches.

He points out the fact that practical Pan Africanism does not give up despite the colossal means the enemy in front has available.

The video is worth listening to if you are interested in Pan Africanism issues.