See if you can understand how their criticism of the post below me even makes sense.
First, the post:
Rightwing economics is a marker for White racism. Where you find rightwing economics, you often but not always find White racism. Sure, a lot of economic leftwingers are soft racists, but the more rightwing the person’s economics, the more they move out of the softer stuff into the harder stuff. Similarly, the more economically left the person is, the less racist they are. You could almost plot these things on a chart!
White racism is a marker for rightwing economics. Where you find White racism, you nearly always, 95%+ of the time, find rightwing economics.
I recently spent some time on Chimpout, one of the funniest racist sites on the Internet. If I’m in a nasty mood, it’s funny, but if I’m in a Black-sympathetic mood or guilty mood (like “Wow I am really a terrible person for being at this awful, mean, racist website), most of the humor just bombs on me.
My latest excursion was instructive. I read through a thread stretching 100’s of pages. Every single American on there was a virulent anti-Black racist, as that’s all they will allow on the site. And every single one of those virulently anti-Black Americans was a conservative who voted Republican.
Over and over, they equated liberals with niggers* and nigger-lovers. The Democratic Party is the Party of the Niggers and the Nigger-loving Liberals. Endlessly, posters openly stated that the Republican Party is the party to support if you hate niggers. I don’t think I saw one person voting Democratic in that entire thread.
So almost 100% of serious White racists are voting Republican or some other rightwing party and supporting some kind of rightwing economics.
We see this even among Blacks, where there are now some race realist Blacks out there. Some are even socking it to their own kind, calling them genetically inferior. Once again, all of these Blacks are Black conservatives or Black Republicans. Some are Black Libertarians. Once again, it seems to be a marker. The more race realist the Black is, the more they support rightwing economics. It’s a dose-effect response that you could almost plot on a curve, just like with Whites.
*They don’t allow the use of “Black” or other terms for African-Americans on Chimpout. You are only allowed to call them “niggers.” Violation results in a ban. Damn that’s funny as Hell! If you refuse to call Black people niggers, we will ban you! LOL! Such funny fellows. Mean as snakes, but damn is that funny.
Next, their dumbass criticism, which makes no sense at all.
The Vosgian Beast posted:
Someone linked this guy earlier in the thread, and wow, what a brilliant visionary…/beta-uprising/
Study after study… which I won’t link
EDIT: Also
in regards to the Kierkegaard thing…and-vice-versa/ This reeks of “I compartmentalize minorities between Good Ones and Bad Ones (aka Uppity ones)
Goon Danton: It reeks of something, I’ll grant you that much.
I recently spent some time on Chimpout, one of the funniest racist sites on the Internet. If I’m in a nasty mood, it’s funny, but if I’m in a Black-sympathetic mood, most of the humor just bombs on me.
Isn’t that a retarded criticism? Read the article. The article notes that racism almost always links up with rightwing economics, politics and voting Republican, whereas racists almost to a man feel that voting Democrat is voting for the niggers and the nigger lovers. Even among Blacks, as they get more and more race realist or even racist against their own kind, they all start going Republican or Libertarian.
Ok this SJW turd just said that my post above which links racism to rightwing economics and politics is “diving minorities up into good ones and bad or uppity ones.” Can anyone see how on Earth I am saying that?
Anyway, I don’t care about uppity Blacks or uppity niggers or whatever you want to call them. MLK is one of my heroes. I even love Malcolm X (post renunciation of anti-White racism). There is even some love in me for the early Black Panthers. In fact, I rather like the Panthers to this very day. Huey Newton was an all right guy. Eldridge Cleaver was a bastard but he moved to North Africa and turned into a good man, so as a Christian, I forgive him. I loved Obama being the first Black president and cried when he got elected. I voted for him twice. My only beef with him is that he’s too rightwing. I really like that advisor of his, Van Jones.
My heroes are Malcolm X, Huey Newton, the Panthers, Malcolm X and Barack Obama, yet I am a vicious anti-Black racist? How does that even make sense?
Uppity Blacks are fine with me. Black people ought to be uppity. All people ought to have pride and dignity and refuse to grovel before others. I don’t see how the post above divides Blacks into good obedient Blacks and bad or uppity Blacks. I’m not getting it. My critics are all insane.
The next clown is a typical no-fun liberal. I’m evil because I went to a racist website. It is a racist humor website albeit with a vicious undercurrent.
I committed the ultimate sin of laughing at some of those jokes because, damn, they were so bloody funny! So I am a bad, evil, low-life, dirty racist scum of a human, a KKK White Supremacist White Nationalist Nazi because I laughed at some racist humor written by some nasty people.
Does that make me an evil racist? If I laugh at a racist joke, am I the same as Davide Duke, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin? We’re all the same. We all want to hang them niggers and gas those damn kikes. No sense of nuance. These people truly earn the appellation of libtards.
So these are the SJW’s. This is the Left. This is liberalism. This is why almost everyone on the Left hates my guts and insists I am not on the Left and instead I am a far Rightist.
I just got banned from (((Daily Kos))). It was one of my favorite sites but once I started posting, they banned me right off. Every one of those liberal Democrat losers on there has swallowed every dram of that idiotic Assad Chemical Weapons Attack story. This is so obviously Iraqi WMD’s all over again, with the same, ahem, (((people))) that promoted the last lie now shamefully promoting this lie too. Some liberal Democrat loser wrote about how eeeeeevil AssadPutin or PutinAssad, I forget which, dropped chemical weapons on babies. Then he threw in some oh-so-liberal McCarthyite Cold War barbs at the Font of Evil called Russia.
I think I wrote a comment asking him if the capital of his country was Washington DC or Tel Aviv. It was immediately flagged as anti-Semitism (except it was anti-Israelism, not anti-Semitism), and I was permanently banned almost instantly. You just can’t say one peep about ahem (((certain people))) on there. After all, why do you think it’s called (((Daily Kos))) in the first place?
This is pretty typical. Most liberal to Left sites have either banned me or have made bans on posting to me. I was getting a lot of hits from uber-liberal Reddit until they starting flipping on my content and said Reddit should stop linking to me. My hits from Reddit crashed.
I know I said we should ally with SJW’s against Trump but the problem is that I want to kill 95% of SJW’s with my bare hands. They seem to feel the same way
about me.
Stark, Rabbit and Ryan England had a radio show in which they discussed my proposal.
Rabbit said, “Look, no matter how hard Lindsay tries to suck up to these people and say he’s not be racist and whatnot, they will always hate him, and they never accept him or stop calling him racist. Lindsay can’t win with these folks.”
Sadly I think he is onto something. I should link to that podcast.
So we want to murder each other on sight with our bare hands, and yet we are going to form this great alliance. I don’t think so.