Expect Labs Must-Reads: Link Roundup for the Week of September 29th, 2014

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

We’re constantly coming across thought-provoking articles, videos, and blog posts about themes that we think our readers would enjoy. Here are our top picks from the past few weeks:

  • "Cars That Think but Won’t Talk" (IEEE Spectrum) An intriguing post about the state of voice recognition in cars, and why automakers need to invest in better solutions to keep drivers happy.
  • "Johan Schalkwyk on the state of the art in speech recognition" (Gigaom). Schalkwyk is an engineer who spearheaded Google’s focus on speech recognition. In this talk, he discusses his work at Google and gives his take on how the field is evolving.
  • "Pixar Vets Reinvent Speech Recognition So It Works for Kids" (WIRED). An in-depth piece on ToyTalk, a company that is working on gaming speech technology that understands how kids talk. According to the article, many companies are neglecting “the most important population of potential customers: children.”
  • "New research suggests deep learning could improve AI in video games" (Gigaom). Researchers from North Carolina State University recently created a deep learning model that can predict the kinds of goals video gamers’ are trying to achieve.

Have any articles you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comments and it may end up in our next link roundup!