Expect Labs Heads to Seoul! Developing Context-Aware Applications at DEVIEW 2014

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

With keyboards slowly vanishing from our devices, context and voice are becoming the answer to speedier searches. Today’s advanced speech understanding technologies are becoming so proficient in grasping the meaning behind users’ words and actions, that they can now serve up information even before ever being asked. At this year’s DEVIEW conference, our Research Director, Marsal Gavaldà, will take the stage to discuss the burgeoning area of anticipatory computing and how developers can take advantage of the new suite of tools and services that are emerging. Spanning speech recognition to information retrieval, Gavaldà’s talk will also decode what kind of infrastructure is needed to power applications that are both fast and able to support millions of users.  

DEVIEW, which stands for DEvelopers’ VIEW, is the preeminent Korean conference for software developers. The event attracts an impressive array of speakers, representing companies from ElasticSearch, LinkedIn, GitHub, and many other organizations. In addition to Gavaldà’s talk on contextually aware applications, some of the areas to be discussed include emerging technology, big data, multi-core computing, open-source technologies, and developer culture.

Get a broader view of contextual applications at DEVIEW and check out our presentation! 

Session Title: Developing Context-Aware Applications

Track: B

When: September 30th, 2014 13:00 - 13:45

Where: Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, South Korea

Follow along with us throughout the event on our @expectlabs Twitter handle.