Expats in Panama, Our New Home

By Aswesawit @aswesawit

Dear Luke and Leia,

We are off to lush green Panama to look for our next adventure. We will be called expats in Panama; it’s the term for any citizen who lives overseas. Anyway, we thought we’d give you an overview of Panama and Panama City itself. Maybe it will explain why it was our choice.

Modern skyline of Panama City, Panama from Panama Viejo.

Expats in Panama

When you get to a new place the most important thing is to find a place to live. We decided to stay at a hotel for a week while we look for an apartment to rent. We are staying at the Crown Plaza because we knew it is centrally located and we got a good price.

Panama is an exciting place located at the southernmost tip of North America but once was a part of South America before the country declared its independence on November 3, 1903 from Columbia.

View of Panama City from the airplane.

Panama City

Panama City is a beautiful modern city with beautiful skyscrapers, lush tropical parks and a bustling night life and restaurant scene. We can tell from the late model cars that a lot of people are well-to-do. The downtown area is pleasant and we walk everywhere, as it is not a very large capital city and we don’t have a car. It’s easier and cheaper than paying $5 for a short taxi ride. Plus, we don’t know enough Spanish to get around. Not yet, anyway. We’re in their country so we plan to learn their language.

View of Panama City, Panama from Ancon Hill.

Casco Viejo

There is a quaint charming old town area known as Casco Viejo or Casco Antiguo. The locals just call it casco. It has many small shops and cafes, plus a lot of outside dining restaurants and bars. As you can imagine, it becomes pretty lively after sunset.

Catedral Metropolitana de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Panama Viejo

Another even older area, now in ruins, is called Panama Viejo. It was sacked by Captain Morgan in 1671. 

The ruins of the church and convent of Santo Domingo

Ancon Hill

Ancon Hill is the highest point  in the city. Most of it is jungle but you can drive to the top for a great view of all three Panama Cities: Panama Viejo, Casco Antiguo and the modern Panama City. The hill contains an abandoned underground bunker but I don’t know if you can visit it.

Ancon Hill, Panama City, Panama

Panama City has islands offshore

Another interesting fact about Panama is the offshore islands located in the Bay of Panama, These are called the Pearl Islands. Several seasons of the Survivor show were filmed here because the rainforests here look very tropical and rugged.

Pelicans flying above Contadora, Pearl Island, Panama

Panama Canal

I’m sure you’ve heard of the famous Panama Canal. It’s on just about everyone’s bucket list. What things would you like to do and see in your lifetimes? We’d love to know what you’re thinking.

Container ship entering a lock at Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal, Panama

Incredibly interesting wildlife in Panama

Finally there are the all the interesting animals and birds that can be seen in the country.


Tiny hummingbird perched and chirping away.


Mott Mott

Once we get settled in, we will bring down your dad to visit for a couple of weeks. We wish you could come, too. We miss you guys so much and we know you would especially love all the fresh bananas and seeing all the monkeys. We will visit you as soon as we can.

Love and hugs,

Nana and Pap

P.S. – In case you guys have Pinterest, we have fixed the site so you can share whatever you want to your favorite boards. Here are a few extras:

Tower at Panama Viejo

Miraflores Locks, Panama Canal, Panama

Orange and green colored Mott Mott bird at Soberania in Panama.

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