Exercising Outdoors - is It Really All That?

By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd

While exercising outdoors provides a refreshing alternative to the gym, it can have its downsides. While exercising out in the sun gives you plenty of fresh air and vitamin D, there are some issues that can make exercising outdoors very difficult for some. So, are there any things you need to think about before you get off the treadmill and onto the pavement?

External Factors

If you are someone who likes to get on your bike and see where the roads take you, there are a few things you need to consider. Getting lost might not be something you would think about, but if you like to explore unfamiliar territories, it's best for you to know exactly where you are going! It's never been easier with Google Maps, but that doesn't mean you should head out without an idea of where you want to go. In addition to this, if you like exercising on your bike, heading out into traffic can cause issues, not just because of the sheer volume of traffic, but the pollution you expose yourself to. If you like to cycle in inner-city areas, you might find yourself the victim of a distracted driver. If so, lawyers like Abels & Annes can assist, but it's much more beneficial for you to be aware of these external factors before heading out. If you are keen to take advantage of the nice weather, then you had better make sure you know the external factors that impact your ability to exercise on busy roads and in rural areas.


Taking advantage of the summer months means exercising in hot temperatures, and while your gym might not have air conditioning, exercising outdoors might seem like a better option. Before heading out, you need to check how hot it actually is. It could be too hot for you to be outside, especially if you plan on embarking on something like a Tabata sprint. On top of this, heat exhaustion and sunburn can make you feel a lot worse. One way around this is to schedule your workout for early in the morning. But pay attention to your body, if everything feels too difficult, take it easy.

Exerting Yourself Too Much

We all want to push it when we exercise, but we can overdo it, and when we're outdoors, we have to fight the elements. If you are looking into intense exercise outdoors, it may take a few goes to get used to the area. On the other hand, your exercise routine may need to be taken down a peg or two in terms of intensity, so you can get used to the elements.
When you're exercising outdoors, it's not just the workout itself that you have to contend with, but the elements. There are so many different concerns when exercising outdoors, and if you feel that you need to make a change to your workout, heading outside is a great option. But, depending on your own specific needs, exercising outdoors isn't always all that. You might be better off staying in the comfort of your gym.