Excruciatingly Real

By Fiercebuddhist @fiercebuddhist

storms rips the
tree out by its roots.
wave after wave

Today’s posting is quite a bit late but as I am still working on my 365 haiku a day challenge I pushed to get this one in. After a few weeks of relative pain free days I was hit with serious waves last night. If you have ever seen the movie “Predator” and the scene where the alien is ripping the spine out of its target then you know what I felt like last night! But, since all things are impermanent I knew that it would pass. Meditating on the pain, stretching and rest helped it pass. This was the first time I was able to meditate and focus on such levels of pain. The experience was interesting to say the least. At first the pain was overwhelming but slowly I was able to look at it and soon I the pain, while still there, seemed to be outside of me and not as intense. The focus this took was exhausting so I took some medication and a nap. I am happy to say that the pain today reminded me of the reality of impermanence and I am grateful for this lesson.