Exclusive: The Van Stratens Talk Jointly About Likes, Dislikes, and Experiences

Posted on the 30 March 2012 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Kristin and Abri at Frye Flagship Store Opening/Neilson Barnard, Getty Images

In the final part of our interview with the van Stratens, Kristin Bauer (Pamela Sywnford de Beaufort) and Abri van Straten, we thought it would be interesting to learn more about the things that are important to them.  Knowing that they’ve worked together on animal rights issues, we couldn’t let this interview pass without asking what issue they’re working on now. But it’s not all serious. We also asked about some of their favorite experiences together. In the process, we learned a little more about their relationship!

Name one issue (domestic or international) that you think is important and explain why?

“Elephants. We are working with IFAW as Ivory poaching is on a massive upsurge due to the Chinese demand. It is heart breaking for me and for Abri’s family. We intend to go there on hiatus and see if we can bring much needed attention to the solutions, before it’s too late. 100 elephants are losing their lives every day for …nothing.”

 Both of you have done worked with organizations like IFAW and spent time advocating for animals and the environment among other things. You also grew up with animals as significant parts of your lives. Name an experience, the catalyst if you will, that inspired you to want get involved with the various organizations and issues that you work on today?

 ”It’s all about education. It’s all about caring enough to look and to see what is happening. All atrocities only change once they are hit by the light of day. For me, it was meeting orphaned Elephants in Africa in 2010. There mothers and fathers were killed for their tusks, “to make ornaments, trinkets as a symbol of status. I find that horrific.”

 You’ve visited some pretty amazing places over the last couple of years for various reasons. Have you had any unbelievable, once in a lifetime experiences together? If so what was it?

 ”Well, marriage was pretty good! LOL! I like the skin diving in the Florida Keys (Abri). Just because Ive never been to a place like that – or seen the ocean and it’s life in that way.

For me, Kristin, it was Africa. What a magical place. It really is wild and that energy has it’s up and down sides but the lack of control and the lack of hidden agendas is apparent and refreshing.”

Would you do a joint project together?

Kristin: Yeah! I would! You babe?

Abri: …Sure, babe, sure.

“We actually have been writing a script together and when we get time, it’s great fun! I am the details person and he is the big picture man. It works well, in all areas of our life.”

To close this interview, we decided to end it on a fun note by asking Kristin and Abri to take the Pivot Questionnaire also known as the questions James Lipton asks on Inside the Actor’s Studio. They’re not only interesting but relatively safe questions that don’t reveal too much…or at least that’s what we thought. What is more interesting? The things they chose to say or the things they didn’t? Decide for yourself as you read the questions!

Kristin and Abri at Cirque du Soleil's Iris Premiere/Kevin Winter, Getty Images

Kristin – Choice.

Abri – Anamanpia

What is your least favorite word?

Kristin – “Just”

Abri – Also “Just”

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

Abri: A switch

Kristin: For me it’s …who knows, endless blood sweat and tears, and then something happens…hopefully.

What turns you off?

Abri: Seriousness.

Kristin: Lack of curiosity.

What is your favorite curse word?

Kristin: I can’t say that here, or anywhere, except often at home. But they used it A LOT on “Deadwood”.

Abri: Anything in Swedish.

What sound or noise do you love?

Abri: Silence.

Kristin: Abri’s music.

What sound or noise do you hate?

Abri: Lawn blowers.

Kristin: I AGREE!!

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Kristin: I’d like to live in a  jungle helping save animals.

Abri: It’s not legal.

What profession would you not like to do?

Kristin: Too many to list! There are a lot of crap jobs out there. And I had half of them before acting.

Abri- Anything in an office.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Kristin: Thanks for trying.

Abri: Coffee?

 True Blood Fan Source and Kristin Bauer Online thank Kristin and Abri once again for answering (almost) all of the questions we posed to them! It was a true pleasure and we hope that everyone has enjoyed learning more about them as much as we did!

You can find our individual Q&A’s with Kristin and Abri here.