Exclusive | Red Flag for Lanka, China’s Plan & Ghost of 2008: What India’s Report on Chinese Spy Ship Reveals

Posted on the 19 August 2022 by Geetikamalik

CNN-NEWS18 has accessed the Indian Assessment Report on Chinese Chinese spy vessels Yuan Wang-5 docked at the Port of Hambantota Sri Lanka.

Sumber said Delhi, Beijing, and Colombo did a lot of foot movements over the movement of the ship and, finally, it was delayed and the trip was shortened.

Sri Lanka realized, they said, that things would not be easy for that in the future if possible this ship to remain in its waters.

According to sources, ships that are placed are sensitive to anything in the electronic spectrum. This is a military ship managed by PLA China’s strategic supporting forces, they added.

This is a double use ship, and strategic supporting forces are responsible for space, cyberspace, and other warfare, the source said.

Chinese game plan

According to a new assessment, China misusing the fact that it has a great vacuum on the surface of the earth to monitor its satellites and try to create new normal.

This satellite is not all docile, said officials, but some like Yaogan 34-02 or Yaogan 25, transported with a long March rocket recently, and for the national defense system.

This is not the system used for rain predictions for farmers, added them, and can enter far into the Indian Ocean, bringing important data and uploading it to Yuan Wang-5, which can send it to the Central Military Command.

It was also feared that there might be a repetition in 2008, when on behalf of privacy, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) entered Aden’s Gulf, normalizing the presence of his navy in the Indian Ocean, and never left after that.

It is important to note that Diego Garcia, a US footing in this region, is not far and the same as America, which has been discarded by Sri Lanka.

Bangun Call for Sri Lanka

The reasons for the current Sri Lanka government that the Government of Gotabaya Rajapaksa had previously gave the green light for the step to look weak, said the source.

Now Gotabaya has gone and his mandate opposes it, so the new government should reverse the decision, they said.

It is important to note that China’s chosen port is not Colombo but Hambantota, who is responsible for drowning Sri Lankan residents in debt and is now used by Beijing for military stopover, officials show.

It is time, they said, for Lanka people to understand that Chinese money is fast but without a complete test and long -term feasibility.

It is time for the world and countries in the Indian Ocean region to sit together and decide that Chinese adventures like this cannot take place, officials added.

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