Exciting Calgary Race News!

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Khourianya @khourianya
Ever since I started running in 2010, I have wanted to do a Skirt Sports Skirt Chaser 5k...but they have always been in the states.
Well, this year, Calgary is getting one! (psst - so is Vancouver, apparently)

No real details yet, but it's still exciting!  The only thing that worries me is that it is being planned for a THURSDAY!  May 2, 2013!
But I am still in.
the idea behind a skirt chaser is that the women get a 3 min head start before the guys get to follow.  And, when you register you can choose whether you want a skirt, shirt or nothing.  I am a HUGE fan of Skirt Sports gear so this is super exciting for me :)
And then there is an after party - which I probably won't hang around for...I'm just an old mom with an early bedtime afterall... (I kid).  But this promises to be super fun.  I can hardly wait.