Mandi Bierly from has shared her thoughts on True Blood Episode 11, “Soul of Fire”! Being that she’s the ultimate Eric Lover…we figured you might enjoy reading what she has to say about the episode!
This is what she said about Eric and Sookie…
Two thoughts about that (Eric and Bill agreeing to dying for Sookie and Pam shooting the rocket launcher) scene: I know everyone will point out that Bill was the first one to accept Marnie’s offer to kill himself to save Sookie. Whether or not that means he loves Sookie more isn’t the point: Eric loves her enough to die for her. Also, I wish there’d been a way for us to tell who Sookie was looking at during each moment. I think that would have been revealing, but the close-ups made it difficult to follow her eyes. Was the cut to Eric to show her looking at him, or him looking at her?
The spell Marnie did forced Bill, Eric, Jessica, and Pam toward the protective shield, which unavoidably looked a little ridiculous and reminded me of Steve Martin in All of Me when Lily Tomlin’s soul first takes over his body. So I was glad we cut back-and-forth to Marnie. “What the f—, folks,” Jason said, not grasping that it was a spell pulling the vampires to their deaths. Jessica and Bill reached for him, and Jason tried his best to slow them. In the end, Sookie heard his thoughts telling her to stop the spell, which she did with bolts of light from her hands that knocked the circle to the ground. That’s when Pam tried to apologize to Eric, and he told her to get out of his sight before he killed her. She vamp-speeded away. I’m choosing to believe Eric also wanted her out of there because she was safer away from the fight. He’d begged his maker, Godric, not to kill himself, can he really blame Pam? Granted, Eric let Godric go, but they’d had time to talk. Eric made the decision without addressing her pain.
I love to watch protective Eric pace. It’s almost as sexy as his groan. He knew they needed to get inside to save Sookie.Marnie’s minion Roy said they’d have to go through him to get to her, and Eric ripped his heart out. That makeup is where all the money went for this episode!
The elasticity of the heart when Roy fell backwards was awesome. Eric walked up to Marnie holding the heart, removed some sticky matter, and drank blood straight out of an artery like he was sucking on a straw in a Capri Sun. His eyes never left hers. It was one of those badass moments that was so cool, in no way should Sookie hold it against him. We’ve got our Viking back! He turned and walked back toward Bill, tossing the heart over his shoulder like it was nothing. I roared. I’d put that right up there with “Is there blood in my hair?” in season 2. Bill looked at Eric, who stood beside his king licking his bloody fingers, and Bill raised his gun, doing some more snarling. “No one lives forever! Not even you!” Marnie said as he shot numerous holes in her. She fell to the floor with a bullet in her forehead, just as she’d seen in the blood. Bill nodded to Eric. Eric looked at Sookie.
Eric glamoured the witches (not in our core cast), as Bill requested. The two of them were deep in conversation but each stole a look at Sookie. What do you think she was thinking? My guess: Yes, they each just murdered someone in front of me, but how do I not love two men willing to die for me? And damn, I’m glad Eric is back in all black.
You can read the rest of her recap here!
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