Then a few years ago came the pre-packaged, and numbered, ten pieces of bread for hiding and searching for before Pesach. This made less sense - who can't tear a piece of bread into 10 small pieces? But still, maybe some people's houses are so kosher for Pesach by then that they don't have any bread left in the house to do a bedika with.
and then last year came the pre-packaged jars of salt water for the seder plate. Really? Who can't put some salt into a bowl of water? But they made it and I guess they sold it.
and it seems this years newest item of entrepreneurship is pre-boiled eggs for the seder. Because boiling eggs is really difficult. And time-consuming.
I am surprised this came before the pre-roasted and pre-packaged shank bone.
If not the shank bone, what will next years Pesach-creation be? What is your prediction?
Are we getting lazier? Are we just too busy to deal with the small stuff that can be taken care of for a small fee? Is this part of the survival of the fittest?
and if you are looking for competition to yesterday's business of replacing your cellphone for Pesach because it is too difficult to clean, you can always get this cellphone cover instead:
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