EvoAnth Gets Published

Posted on the 17 July 2014 by Reprieve @EvoAnth

Earlier this year I wrote about how the large creationist organisations, like the Institute for Creation Research and Answers in Genesis, tend to present a distorted view of human fossils; downplaying the size and scope of the evidence for human evolution. The National Centre for Science Education (NCSE) – an excellent organisation that fights creationism in American public schools – really liked it, and got in touch with me about turning it into a full fledged article. With citations, statistics and other exciting stuff.

And it got published this month. The thing is freely available, so if you want to read a more in-depth break down of how young earth creationists distort the evidence for human evolution; click on over! The article seems to have been well received, even getting featured on io9, leading internet thingymabob. I’m currently working on a follow-up, but if you want me to write something for you well…that’s what the “contact me” at the top of the page is for! In the mean time I get to add a bibliography section to my CV, which I think will really endear me to the manager of McDonalds when I fail to find a PhD this year.

Also, you may have noticed an absence of posts here recently. This is because of my laptop breaking; and a certain UK electronics store failing to fix it (in fact breaking it more than when I gave it to them). Fortunately the ordeal seems to be at an end, so the regularly scheduled blogging will resume soon. If you haven’t had a comment approved or replied to, this is why, so expect it to all be sorted soon! Don’t expect it to have been worth the wait though.