Evil God Korone Endings Guide – x2 Endings

Posted on the 12 November 2021 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 12 November, 2021

Evil God Korone Endings Guide – x2 Endings – Unlock the two endings using this guide, with the walkthrough and also the requirements

Evil God Korone Endings Guide – First Ending

To unlock the first ending all you have to do is complete the game. So in case you have gotten stuck at some point, we believe that the most useful thing is the walkthrough of the game. Check this Evil God Korone first Ending video guide by Kari Pekka

We recommend that you consult this guide only to solve your doubts, since obviously there are spoilers. And because there is no possibility of error, if you complete the game you unlock the first ending, it’s that simple

Evil God Korone Endings Guide – Second Ending

The second ending does require a guide because you have to meet certain requirements to get it:

  • Beat the game once and play again – It’s like a new game +, you see that things change from the first moment
  • Reach the second to last day. At the end of the road you had a single-choice cutscene in your first run.
  • Click the pointing hand or keep walking
  • Second ending starts, as well another new title screen once the game ends

As you can see, it has no difficulty unlocking the second ending, but there are not many clues on how to get it.