Everywhere Chairs: The Plastic Chairs of India

By Englishwifeindianlife

You can't really go far without seeing a plastic chair in India, we would usually call these chairs 'garden furniture' in England. I now think of them as everywhere chairs. Living rooms, the doctor's office, every other type of office, classrooms, bedrooms, chat stands, paan stands, restaurants, hotels, the roadside, outside shops, inside shops and very occasionally, in gardens. When we moved into our apartment, we didn't have a great deal of money to buy lots of furniture so instead of buying a sofa, we bought plastic chairs.

Cheap, quite comfortable, easy to clean, easy to move... perfect!

Perfect, that is, until I decided to sit on my husband's lap one afternoon after lunch. The two back legs snapped off, throwing up both backwards. No one was harmed in the fall, if you don't include the chair and my body image. To conclude, everywhere chairs are very useful but remember, they are only made of plastic, so don't be too ambitious with them.