Everything You Need to Know When Inspecting Your Home

By Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

Cheers, on a successful bargain on acquiring your new home. After the celebrations with friends and family comes the next step in the home buying process: home inspection. For first timers, the process of inspecting a home can prove to be very unnerving. Hopefully, you will find the process a lot easier after reading some useful tips in this article.

In no particular order, here are some of the things you need to know about carrying out an inspection in your new home:

The Inspector Must Be Certified

One common error home buyers make is thinking contractors and inspectors are the same. It is important to understand that home inspectors are experts; trained in the art of identifying current and potential problems in a property, and proffer solutions to them. Contractors, however, simply know how to fix the identified problem.

For a sale to be regarded as legal, all the home inspection standards of that region must have been met by a certified inspector. So it's paramount that you get an inspector certified and aware of all the inspection standards of that country or area where you intend acquiring your home. Most persons tend to boycott the services of an inspector due to its cost and prefer the services of a contractor which is a lot cheaper. Often times, this decision leads to some unforeseen problems as the contractor might fail to analyze the home thoroughly.

Buyers Are Responsible For Inspection

Both buyers and sellers can arrange for inspection. Ideally, however, this service is the responsibility of the buyer because it gives you an added advantage. If the sellers were to hire the inspector, they could work together with the inspectors to conceal most faults or falsify the results of the inspection. In the end, you could spend way more money than the home is actually worth.

Finding a home inspector isn't as difficult as it used to be in the past. Today, there are more than enough platforms to aid you in securing the services of one. Your realtor, the internet, and perhaps, your contacts are good ways to get started with finding a good inspector. But being efficient is just not good enough. Being certified is a must.

You Can Attend Inspections

Every good home inspector would want you to be available while your home is being inspected. Chances are that you will need to answer many questions from the inspector (during the process) as this will help him do a faster and better job. If possible, the seller needs to be available too. You would want the seller to answer certain questions on the spot too - a good inspector usually makes findings which the seller has to attend to.
Whether the seller is available or not, it is recommended, however, that the seller asks questions only after the inspector has produced a report on the entire process. This is advised so as to not interfere with the inspector's job; and because there will be room for negotiation after the process.

What Home Inspections

Each home has its own inspection needs. The more sophisticated a home is, the more screening it will require. But then, there are fundamental aspects of homes which expert inspector always evaluate. You have to watch out for them in the inspection report, and if they are absent, you will demand that they be looked into. These area include:

  • Foundation, crawl space and basement
  • Interior plumbing systems
  • Any additional structural components
  • Conditions of floors, walls, and ceilings
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Conditions of windows
  • Conditions of doors and door frames

What an Inspection Doesn't Cover

Below are some of the aspects of the home inspection the inspector doesn't cover. These need the attention of another professional:

  • Septic tanks
  • Inside the walls
  • Chimney repairs
  • Any additional structure away from the main house

Hence, structures like sheds and swimming pools aren't often included in the home inspection. They are meant to be inspected by a different professional which you could contact with the aid of your realtor.

You Can Walk Away After Inspections

From experience, I find this to be the most powerful advantage of a home buyer. Fear that you will walk away if you do not like the property is perhaps the most powerful bargaining tool at a buyer's disposal. In fact, the moment a seller sees your inspector - especially a reputable one in the business - he gets more cooperative and willing to concede. So capitalize on this fear.

You will recall that one of the reasons for carrying out a home inspection is to find out if the property is a good fit for you. If you do not like the reports at the end of the day, you can call it quits. This is why it is important to see and approve the inspection reports before signing any binding documents.

In a Nutshell

In all honesty, you will not learn everything you need to know about home inspection simply by reading this article. A comprehensive inspection guide will do the trick. However, this guide gives you an idea of the essential things you need to keep in mind as you inspect your new home. Do not forget to carry out a little online research before the inspection process as this will keep you in tune with the most recent developments in the industry.