Everything You Need To Know About Body Shaming

Posted on the 25 October 2022 by Women_tips @womentips2013

Media and culture around us constantly persuade thin white girls to be the most attractive. People are convinced to believe them. In spite of all of these, the media business still uses dark and obese individuals as a source of jokes and entertainment. These are the main causes of body shaming, a serious issue.

What does body shame mean? Body shaming is the practice of making offensive remarks about someone's appearance are body shaming objectives. Body shaming comes in two main forms: self-body shaming and body shaming by others. Read along to know what to say to someone who is body shaming themselves.

What triggers self-body shaming?

  • Many of us have lost sight of the value of our bodies. We have never been pleased because we constantly contrast it with someone else's. Our greatest foe is comparison. We must acknowledge that everyone around us has been created uniquely and that every appearance is lovely and distinctive.
  • We are constantly misled by television commercials. Their skin whitening, weight loss kits, and more have made women believe that being thin and white are the essentials of being a beautiful woman.
  • The majority of us are never really satisfied with what we have, be it physical appearance or a materialistic need. We have never truly felt content with what we once yearned for, since we always seek more. It's not a horrible idea to have plastic surgery, yet some people still do it to mimic the appearance of someone else.

How to deal with self-body shaming

  • What to say to someone who is body shaming themselves? Appreciate! Appreciate! Appreciate! Pour in compliments to the ones who consciously or unconsciously self-body shames.
  • Though it could be challenging, strive to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, which will undoubtedly work miracles. The next time you look in the mirror, instead of telling yourself you are unattractive, tell yourself you are lovely in a very special manner.
  • Never choose an unhealthy lifestyle in the name of accepting your body as it is. For instance, if you have obesity, you must take the required actions.
  • Stop hiding things. For example, if you are a person with vitiligo, you do not have to feel inferior about your skin texture and hide. You need to be confident about your looks.
  • Be grateful to your body. Instead of whining about your physique, be thankful for the way you have been created.

How to deal with body shaming caused by others

Body shaming makes a person anxious, stressed, and more likely to cut oneself off from social interactions. It can be difficult for someone who is being subjected to body shaming to interact with others because they worry about going through the trauma again. Here are a few strategies for handling body shaming.

  • Confront the people with courage and confidence who tend to body shame you.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to keep yourself away from stress and anxiety.
  • Never stop loving your body and be grateful for what you have.
  • Create body shaming awareness amongst others.
  • Never give in to peer pressure to think you aren't good enough by compromising on your clothing style or makeup.
  • Do not starve yourself.

Hope this blog raises some valuable body shaming awareness.