Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Venezuela but Were Afraid to Ask

Posted on the 30 July 2017 by Calvinthedog

In 100% true facts, no bullshit. It’s all explained, right here. And like most everything else in Politricks nowadays, or maybe ever, most everything you read about this country called Venezuela is the product of some sort of a conspiracy.

I am starting to think that the Paranoid Model of World Politics and Conspiracy as Quotidian Model of Politics probably best represents Politricks in our modern era. The capitalists, the conservatives, and the rich are lying all the time. They’re lying. Why are they lying? They’re lying for the money. It’s all about the money.

It’s said that the lying is all about ideology, and in part this is true because a synonym for ideologue is liar. But what’s behind most if not all of the ideological lying is the money. The cash. The loot. The ducats. The bounty.

Follow the money. No matter whatever else you do, always follow the money.

With this guiding principle in mind, so much of the world will open up in front of your eyes, and a giant epiphany will slowly take hold where it all seems to crash together in one deafening cacophony of raw, brutal truth. You want to cover your eyes. You want to cover your ears. You want to run to your bed and pull the covers up and make the whole rotten world go away. But when you awaken after hours of cowardly retreat, the Sleaze Train will still be chugging along, and nothing will have changed. You can run but you can’t hide. The brutal truth of the commodification of near everything in our visible world is not something that can be shied away from. It’s there, punching you in the face all day long if you will only care to look up, take the blindfold off, and see.

Open up your eyes. No, I mean really open them up, not this blindness as sight thing we Americans have been doing our whole lives. Strip off the blinders. Open up your rear view windows on the political economics of daily life. Let yourself be blinded by the brutality of the vision. Stride forth, determined to make your way in the sewer of lies and sleaze. You can survive. You will be tainted (How can you not be?), but you will linger. Linger in slow wrenching agony at the debasing reductionism of daily life, where nearly all transactions reduce down to the level of a raw naked buck.