Everything Online: Is That a Good Thing?

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
As everything starts to progress on the Internet were is it all going to end?
Every week i talk with friends and we all have a laugh and when we get together we always have some good conversations that spark interesting ideas.
If you talk to anyone they will no doubt say everything has changed in modern day society due to the expanding Internet and technology. we were talking about how things have changed in the job markets and how the Internet has affected things.
Film Industry
Many years a go film makers would have to make films with expensive equipment then have to rent studio space to edit these films then send off the reels/media to studios and hope they had their movie made...
You can log on to amazon and order a good quality DSLR, rigs and equipment and have them delivered the next day for a fraction of the price compared to many years ago, then you can make your film and then use your own computer to edit and then upload them to youtube... simple and you can make money from your films online...
Times have changed a lot and people can access this industry a lot easier than before and to be honest i think some of these independent films on youtube are  so much better than some of the crap Michael bay has created. due to the Internet we can access a wide range of media and see some of the talent some of these film makers have. 
If you ever wanted to make money you had to make it big time and be part of a record label. You had to hire a studio to record music if you ever wanted to sell it and you had to pay a lot of money to get anywhere.
Anyone who wants to do music can upload to the Internet and monetise the content and make money. The growth in technology has meant that people can own there own recording equipment and use it in there own homes meaning that anyone could record a album if they wanted to.
The freedom to create to create music has been unlocked so much and to the point were many artists around today would not have been heard if it was not for the technology and the Internet sites such as YouTube.
Years ago there was a high standard of publishing and to get published you had to do so much work and hire companies to represent your book and to print it meaning that you could make small profit.
Writing has changed so much over the past few years as most modern day writers create content for e-readers and digital media as they can now upload there books to reading services them selves and not have to deal with large publishing houses unless they are printing the book to paper.
The technological age has made it so much easier to write books and to get them published and out to the public meaning that writers have more freedom over there work and can create more and more content as the process of books have changed. its a rare sight to see people reading a paperback now as many people use tablet PCs, e-readers and ipads as there portable library.
Art has been a driving force of culture for many years and artists have used so many mediums to create some great art and some not so great art.
The digital age has created more ways to create art and make things possible, some of the most interesting buildings have been taken from pen to paper over the years but with the digital age of graphics tablets and computers we can do so much more and create some great things.
As technology advances art is going to grow and grow creating things we won't have seen in the past and the use of digital media will play a big part in the growth of art.
So here we are at the end of this blog post and i am going to ask a question for people to answer in the comments section below:
Where is technology taking us?
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