There's a nip in the air. There's the tantalising aroma of sweets and the sulphurous smell of crackers.
There's an excitement around that is palpable. Even the kids in school can feel it. The generally emotionally and hormonally supercharged teenagers who are impassive to their parents pleas of better grades and better behavior also sing a bit louder now that the Diwali break looms near.
the boys are so excited about the arrival of Lord Ram (as if all of them ate princes BHARAT in the waiting ) that they are willing to risk expulsion, but they must express their joy.
Because of the victory of good over evil, they are willing to risk expulsion by bursting bombs(cracker bombs) in the boys washroom and in the teacher's desk in the classroom.
Thank heavens ,the teacher and the remaining non believers were out on a break...
Despite the presence of CCTV in the classroom the perpetrators of the cracker bomb could not get caught.
How quickly the good lord must have answered their prayers. ..
Sometimes it seems like a bribe we try to offer our maker...I'll fast and I'll feed so many people,please help me clear the tests ,help me with the latest problem I'm facing so and so forth.
But when these prayers come true one believes that the good lord is totally merciful read-at our beck and call...we don't realize that it is our faith that helps us move mountains.
In god we trust, but we must realize that god wants us to keep our faith.
and believe in ourselves, only then can he help us.
This festive season I pray for peace...let the saints pray for world peace. I believe that if each one of us prays for peace in his or her own heart and life there will be peace world wide.
When I light my little lamp in front of Krishna, I can only express my gratitude. He,never forgets and keeps me blessed. I just keep my faith. I know he's watching over me. He knows my next word before I even utter it. He knows that I will try to do what is right. He knows, he will open the doors for me . He will keep me safe from all possible dangers and he will ensure that at the end of the day, I sleep a satisfied person with the faith that he is watching over me.
I pray for the strength to keep the faith, faith in myself and in Krishna.
I don't trust the so called agents of God ...Some pundits proclaim themselves to be...
I'd rather be a little sceptical and connect with my maker myself.
This Diwali I'd rather perform my pooja myself. I've seen the parents do it,for the past 15 or so years. ..
I'm going to try pure prayer because my reason to pray is personal. ..
I am going to play the CD and say the mantras and offer the flowers and prasad to the gods...
I am going to follow the rituals.
I am going to be the direct connect .
The Sampoorna Laksmi Pooja Pack will help me do all that. It will also bring goods vibrations into my house with the beautifully aromatic incense and dhoop batti...
My home will be like one of the most spiritually blessed temples in the world.
Our Diwali will be a new experience...invoking a spiritual connection in the family.
Seeking the blessings of Goddess Laksmi and Lord Ganesh...
Seeking good tidings and happiness.
Wishing all my readers and all in blogosphere a very joyous Diwali and a blessed festive season.
Whatever your faith, keep the faith.