Everyday I Love You - Asher's 2nd Month

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum
This boy keeps me on my toes, deprives me of sleep and likes to be carried 24/7; but he also smiles at me, lets me kiss him a hundred times a day and gazes into my eyes with such innocence. He is a constant reminder that motherhood is not a perfectly smooth yet most rewarding journey. So yes, I won't have it any other way. Happy two months old, baby Asher!

Dear Asher,
Happy turning two months old! Mummy took you for your Hep B jab and the doctor said your weight (5.85kg) and height (59cm) are both above the 75 percentile! *clap clap* While I'm relieved to see you growing up well, it also reminds me that very soon you won't be so tiny and so easy to carry anymore! So yes, I'm going to cherish the little you as much as I can. 
This month, you've started loving your baths and even showed signs that you didn't want to get out of the water just yet! Ah huh, I suppose you are going to be a water baby like jiejies too and honestly, we can't wait to bring you to the pool, teach you how to swim and have some splashing good times together!

It was the first time we celebrated CNY with you and it felt kind of surreal to have another baby in my hands when we went visiting. You have no idea how blissful and happy I felt to have you by my side. I sure hope the Year of the Monkey will be a great year for us, not in terms of wealth and prosperity, but love, joy and health - these are the things that money can't buy.

We've also started talking to each other! Well, kind of. I talk a lot while you reply with the super adorable goo-s and ga-s and sometimes meh-meh-s like you are calling me. Awwww, too sweet too sweet! You seem to be more alert and sleep a little less nowadays so we can spend more time talking, interacting and just bonding. Which reminds me, when are you going to like to sleep on the bed or couch instead of in people's arms and chests? 

Thank you for being such a happy baby and your smiles truly brighten up my day, my dear. I hope these videos will be our happy memories for life, love ya lots!
