Everybody Kiss the Vicar! A Gorgeous, Contemporary Wedding in Chichester

By Claire

Of course, there are lovely ideas and images of a beau­ti­ful bride and gor­geous groom for you to enjoy as well.

Steven and Rachel’s wed­ding was in West Hamp­nett, with a recep­tion at Fontwell House. The happy cou­ple have very kindly shared a wed­ding report with us today, which you’ll find about halfway down the page as always.

Thank you to lovely Laura from Cherry Red Pho­tog­ra­phy for shar­ing today’s images. There are some fab­u­lous moments here as well as gor­geous details and ideas. I hope you love this — if you do, please leave a com­ment or share the link on face­book! Enjoy! Claire xxx

A beau­ti­ful con­tem­po­rary wed­ding in Chichester

Wed­ding venue:

St Peters church, West Hamp­nett, Chichester.

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Laura — Cherry Red Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Con­tem­po­rary, Tra­di­tional, Fun!

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

Our cer­e­mony was in the beau­ti­ful and quaint St Peters Church in West Hamp­nett, Chich­ester — www.stpeterswesthampnett.org

Which read­ings did you choose?

Steven’s step father, Howard, chose a very tra­di­tional, lovely reading.

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

Our color scheme was bur­gundy and ivory, with bur­gundy calla lilies and ivory roses, the recep­tion was at Fontwell House, in the beau­ti­ful grounds of Fontwell Race Course.

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

The invi­ta­tions were all hand­made by Rachel (the Bride), in our color scheme.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Fontwell rec­om­mended our DJ for the evening.

What did you wear?

Rachel wore a beau­ti­ful ivory strap­less dress with a sweet­heart neck­line and beau­ti­fully added detail. Along with stun­ning ivory Mary Jane style bridal heels! Per­fect! For luck Rachel wore a blue coloured vin­tage pen­dant– a fam­ily heir­loom that each bride in her fam­ily has passed along.

Steven wore a mid length dark char­coal din­ner suit with black shoes…..and a smile!

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

Walk­ing into our recep­tion to be announced as Mr and Mrs Moss was SOOO amaz­ing! Also walk­ing out of the Church to our fam­ily & friends was so spe­cial! The whole day was so amaz­ing and we will never for­get it!

Wed­ding day advice:

Enjoy all of it as much as you can includ­ing the build up and prepa­ra­tions, don’t get too stressed out– just go with it and it will be awesome!

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

  • Cherry Red Pho­tog­ra­phy — www.cherryredphotography.co.uk
    • We met Laura at our friends’ wed­ding and we were so impressed with not only the pho­tos but also her per­son­al­ity and how friendly she was. When Rachel and I got engaged, we didn’t have any hes­i­ta­tions in ask­ing Laura to pho­to­graph our Wed­ding! The day went amaz­ingly, Laura was so organ­ised with her pri­vate shoot and we also had loads of fun at the same time! She was incred­i­bly friendly to our guests (they all com­mented on how lovely she was!) and also was a real hit with the kids! The pho­tos that she pro­duced were truly lovely and cap­tured the whole day so well! 5* rat­ing is not enough!! Thank you Laura!!
  • Fontwell Race Course www.fontwellpark.co.uk
  • Dick­ies Suit Hire, Wor­thing www.dickiessuithire.co.uk
  • Whyte Wed­dings, Wor­thing www.whyteweddingsworthing.co.uk

A big thanks to Aun­tie Sara and Pat for the fab­u­lous cake & flower arrangements!