Every Morning...

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42
Is now an event in this household.
5:00am - I wake up and get ready for the day.
5:30am - I get interrupted in the shower or restroom by an early-rising miniature person.
5:45am - I get said early riser to the restroom, into school clothes, and downstairs for breakfast.
5:55am - The other two mini people wake up and I do the same for them.
6:00am - Husband gets ready.
6:05am - Clean whatever spilled and change clothes as needed.
6:10am - Hustle kids into the living room and hope that Disney Jr. keeps them occupied long enough for me to double check that all lunches & bags are packed with all the necessary items.
6:20am - Have breakfast (Note: This only occurs when all of the above actually goes as planned, which is almost never).
6:30am - Start loading three kids along with their bags & lunches into the car.
6:40am - Load up my own bag and items needed for work into the car.
6:45am - Husband finishes getting ready and we leave home.
6:55am - Drop off twins at their childcare location (Thank goodness they get to start coming with me to work next week!)
7:15am - Drop off little person #3 at his daycare center. Listen to him scream until he thinks I'm no longer around. (Side Note: I spied on him today for just a minute when he thought I had already gone. He stopped crying and started playing instantly when he thought I wasn't there anymore. Stinker.)
7:30am - Husband drops me off at work and then heads to his office.
So now that it's 8:30pm, I think I'll just let myself melt into my mattress...
Goodnight friends!