Looking to find more inspiration to challenge yourself in the “midlife” of your life? Looking to shake things up and do something different? Ready to show yourself (and the world) that you are on fire and living your best life authentically? For the next few weeks, I’ll highlight some “go-getters” that will inspire you to do what you were born to do! (Because that’s just the kind of Gal I am!).
This week we are starting with my friend Robin Bailey. She’s a blogger, mom, wife, empty nester, influencer, runner, creative and loyal friend. And she has a sense of humor too. I don’t run but I support her 1000%. And mostly she inspires people (like me) to wake up and do the things that make me a better person.

I met Robin through a mutual friend many years ago. We hit it off quickly and have worked on serval projects together. Last year she had her Instagram account hacked and wasn’t able to recover it. If you use your social accounts for business, work, keeping up with family and friends, it’s devastating to lose all that to some 12-year-old in his mom’s basement selling bitcoin. But did Robin give up? NOPE. She took a step back, a few deep breaths then she cranked out a new insta and some new ideas and the adventures came rolling out. She was no longer the empty nester blogger but decided to step up her running game and started inspiring others to run too.

Right now, Robin is working on becoming a Running Coach. It’s not easy but she’s throwing everything into it. She had her own Running Coach and was so amazed at how well that was working, she decided to become one herself and continue to help other runners. But it’s not just runners she helps. If you know her or hear about her, you’ll be inspired to challenge yourself. See, it’s not just about running. It’s more about knowing what you want and working hard to attain those goals and help others along the way. Maybe you’re into Yoga and want to get certified to teach, maybe you have your eye on another goal or lifechanging career. Just watching someone going after their dreams and goals, it can be so motivational. She not only helps others run with purpose, but she also promotes a healthy lifestyle too. So, keep your eye out for Robin. Big things are happening for her!
You can follow Robin on Instagram at @dailey_with_bailey Her website is currently being re-designed and will open soon!
Peace, Love & Margaritas