So If you didn't know already I am a big fan of bread. I have mentioned this in numerous tweets, and of course blogged about it on many occasions. You name it, and I have some how managed to create something with it on toast, in fact it's a standing joke with my husband that most things I enjoy to eat are on some sort of bread! There are lots of benefits to bread and to be honest I think it gets quite a bad name for itself, when in fact if you look at the true nutritional value, it's actually pretty awesome.
Thankfully It is not just me that thinks so, as the wonderful team at Bakers and Millers of Britain are out to show the people of London for one day only, bread is good! This is in the form of their Toast or Hands Café situated in East London.
Why are they doing it? To celebrate how the humble sliced loaf is a nutritious diet staple. For one day only, toast will be hitting the streets of East London in this quirky café. A creation from the Bakers and Millers of Britain who aim to show what life would be like if we didn’t eat bread. There will also be Nutritionist Lily Soutter on hand to answer any questions you might have;
“The Toast or Hands Café aims to bust myths and show that bread is not the enemy! Bread has been a dietary staple in Britain for years so this is a tongue in cheek way to poke fun at the latest fad diets and give clean eaters the chance to get a little bit messy!All bread, no matter where it’s baked, is created equal, made using the same primary ingredients -water, yeast, flour. It’s a great source of energy and at only 80 calories a slice, it’s a low-fat option. It’s time to celebrate the sliced loaf for the hero it is.”
Bread can be low in salt, fat and sugar, plus it is great source of fibre, but unfortunately it is constantly tarnished as being a bad addition to your diet. It also tends to be the one thing most people automatically cut out when on a 'healthy eating' binge. So, I'm here to promote this delicious food, yet again, because I think it is finally time to bring back the love for this tasty carb!
I've had many sceptical responses to my other posts, but I promise you if you chose wisely you'll be surprised. For all those clean eaters who feel like it's the worst thing for their diet, I urge you to join me when I visit... and if you still remain unconvinced, you're very welcome to get messy and just enjoy the toppings on your hands! Not sure what I mean by that?! You'd be wise to have a quick peek at what Deliciously Stella did with my bread friends back in March. Trust me it'll all make sense!Love bread as much as me, interested to discover more bread related recipes, or just fancy experiencing unicorn toast?!
Join me! I'm heading over on Friday, so if you fancy coming along let me know! Question is what will you have on your toast? p.s If you come along don't forget to use the hashtag #BetterWithBread- What: Toast or Hands Café
- When: Friday 4th of August, 7 30am-5pm
- Where: 31 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EY
*Post in collaboration with Bakers and Millers of Britain*