It's a little rough around the edges, we'll admit that, and the transition between the chorus and the verses aren't necessarily the smoothest, but this little jam isn't anything to be sniffed at. The production side is quite brilliant, with a great use of bassy, bursted riffs, and a lovely melodic that is surrounded by funk, piano, and soul.
Ella's vocal are completely on point. If you kept up with the show, you'll be absolutely chuffed to hear that they've pretty much kept her in check and not changed her to the high heavens like they have done to so many before. She has a real sincerity to her voice that you'll really enjoy and throughout the chorus, as we said, she is only rivalled to the likes of Leona Lewis whom, although she isn't much in the spotlight anymore, cannot be faulted for her voice!
The end result of this one is that you'll come over a little mystified and verily impressed. We didn't expect all that much, maybe a little number with a simple piano and not much in the way of production to beef it out and make it a hit ... but look what they've conjured ... we'll marvel in it for a while.