Ever Have a Friend...

By Dreenaburton @dreenaburton
I think I am getting sentimental as I say goodbye to my little blog.  I'll be switching over to my new domain soon (details coming).  As I wind down this chapter, I am feeling reflective - and appreciative.
This may be the last signifcant-content post on my blog, and I want to talk about friendship.  Told you I'm feeling sentimental.  "Talk amongst yourselves"!
I have two long-time, close buddies, Tanya and Vicki.  Many of you know have heard Vicki's name - I've mentioned her a few times on my blog, and we chat on fb (a lot)!  You know she's a friend, but what you don't know is how much she is there for me.
She is not just a mommy gal-pal.  That she is.  We share experiences about motherhood and trials and tribulations (read: we vent almost daily)!  She is also vegan and her children are vegan, so we have plenty of food discussions.  I have known her for quite a few years now.  We met a long time ago in pregnancy yoga!  We were having our first babes together, my first babe just a few months older than hers.
Our friendship developed as new moms, and she has also has three children.  What most of you don't know is that Vicki was also my doula for two of my pregnancies and births.  She helped me bring two of my daughters into our family.  Yep, she has seen my highs.  And lows.  And everything in between.  Even my nether regions.  lol and tmi!  And, like any true friend we have had our sticky times.  Only makes us stronger for it.
These past couple of months have been strange and trying.  Here I am about to launch a cookbook that has been almost four years in the making.  I should be entirely excited and full of joy.  But, my enthusiasm has been tempered with the fact that my mom in Newfoundland has been in awful pain and lacking mobility for the last few months (and just had surgery this past week), and one of my sisters (also living away) is going through a difficult time.  So, while I want to be all silly happy... I am preoccupied and worried.  Hubby can only take so much of my emotional soup!  That's when friends step in to help simmer that pot about to boil over.  Two friends have really helped me through these months - as usual, Vicki has been a star.
And, what is crazy about this gal is she seems to be just as interested and excited in my books and career projects as I am!  Always interested in book and career developments - and always wants to help.  And, she does... she is clev-ah!
So, today I am thanking my buddy Vicki.  It's not enough to just tell you on the phone or in a card, V.  I am shouting it from my blog!  For all the lovely people reading - and the trolls too!  You are always there, and always care.
Ever have a friend that is always there for you?  I give you my blog to share your thanks and shout your love!  Leave your sappy comment - I shouldn't be alone in this!  :)
  to you Vicki.  Thank you.