Event: Baby Sign Language and Understanding Your Toddler Workshop

By Milastolemyheart
It's never too early to prepare before the "terrible twos". Mila is just 13 months but she is showing signs of frustrations and has the same temper as her dad. Which we both agree that's not a good thing. Most of the time, it's easy to deal with. Other times, we just don't know what she wants. As of now, we're taking a cue from Daniel Tiger's mom. Whenever Mila is starting to show irritation and gets mad, we sing "Use your words". I'll be surprised if she stops whining and start elaborating her feelings with words. The song calms her down though. Enough to distract her and that generally stops her from a full blown outburst. No incident yet of public tantrums and I will work my ass off to keep it that way.
I'm so excited to attend next week's workshop: Baby Sign Language and Understanding Your Toddler hosted by the MANILA WORKSHOPS. This is a half-day event that will guide us on understanding our babies better. I had been reading on sign language even when I was still pregnant and wanted to practice it with Mila. I just felt overwhelmed by a lot of things a new mom needs to know and had been putting this off. Now is a great chance to learn new skills that will help me better understand, take care and bond with Mila.
Registration is still open. Hope to see you all there!

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