Even the Best of Hechshers Make Mistakes. Here Rav Rubins Hechsher Made Two

By Gldmeier @gldmeier

Mistakes happen in every kashrus organization, including the ones people consider to be the best, the creme de le creme of hechshers. Because they are private companies we are not always informed about their mistakes, but every hechsher has fashlot.
That is why I always say that the hechsher's mistake does not bother me so much (i.e. is not considered by me a reason to stop eating any specific hechsher), but I want to know what the kashrus organization then does in response - how do they avoid it happening again, what do they change in their process to avoid such problems in the future.
Here is a current example of one of the best hechshers, by all accounts, on the market experiencing a mistake, albeit not a major mistake that feeds treif to tens of thousands of people, but a mistake nonetheless, with their response.
The GAD cheese producers line of Mozarella cheese, with the hechsher of Rav Rubin, was spotted to be sporting the mehadrin hechsher of Rav Rubin and the notice on the label of the product containing powdered chalav nochri. I am not passing judgment on chalav nochri or on anyone who eats it, but the hechsher of Rav Rubin, and all the mehadrin hechsherim in Israel, will not certify a product as mehadrin when it contains chalav nochri. That's just the way the local market is.
Here is the label:


Today the hechsher of Rav Rubin printed clarification notices in the Haredi press. The clarification says that the mistake is just a printing mistake of the label and that the product actually does not contain any chalav nochri and it is actually mehadrin. 

whew, but oops again

unfortunately, this clarification, which was snipped out of the Yated Neeman newspaper, itself contains a mistake. The clarification concludes with the bracha of a passuk taken from Tehillim - יאכלו ענבים וישבעו - "Let the humble eat and be satisfied". Somebody spelled the word for "humble" incorrectly, and instead of the traditional blessing of let them humble eat, they are telling you to eat the grapes and be satisfied! Oops.
(I do wonder what this says about the supposed rabbinic committee and oversight that is supposedly running things at the yated.. but I guess they can also  make mistakes.. though at HaMevasser they spotted the mistake and fixed the spelling before running the clarification).