Europe’s “refugee” Crisis is Coming to America: 10,000 Syrians Already Here; Obama Plans to Bring in Many Times More

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Thus far, the U.S. has been spared Europe’s “refugee” crisis because of accessibility — the “refugees” and “migrants” would have to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get here.

But Obama won’t let that geographical obstacle stop him. He is planning to bring  in tens of thousands of refugees from just Syria, and who knows how many more from other Muslim countries.

The New York Times on Oct. 21, 2015 claimed that, since the Syrian civil war began 4 years ago — a war that Obama and the Western powers have inflamed and fomented by actively aiding the so-called “rebels” among whom are al-Qaeda and ISIS jihadists — “just 1,854 Syrian refugees have been admitted to the United States.” Those Syrians have been placed in 130 towns and cities (see map below).

↓ Click map to enlarge ↓

The NYT described those resettled Syrians as “among the most vulnerable people in the war: single mothers and their children; religious minorities; victims of violence or torture.” Although some were resettled in large cities like Houston, most were sent to more affordable, medium-size cities by the nine “voluntary agencies” that handle refugee resettlement. To illustrate, Boise, Idaho, has accepted more refugees than New York and Los Angeles combined; Worcester, Mass., has taken in more than Boston.

“Voluntary agencies” sound noble, but the term simply means non-profits, some of which are religious or faith-based organizations. According to the DHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement, the 9 non-profits that are paid by the government U.S. taxpayers to resettle “refugees” are:

  1. Church World Service (CWS)
  2. Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
  3. Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
  4. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
  5. International Rescue Committee (IRC)
  6. US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
  7. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
  8. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
  9. World Relief Corporation (WR)

Note that at least 5 of the 9 are faith-based organizations — so much for religious groups’ tax-exempt status in exchange for their being apolitical. More than that, working hand-in-glove with the federal government in resettling “refugees” as well as illegal migrants is a lucrative business for churches and faith-based groups. (See “Collusion of Church & State in Invasion of Illegals: $182M to house ‘unaccompanied children’ for just 4 months”)

Recall that the New York Times on Oct. 21, 2015 claimed that “just” 1,854 Syrian refugees had been resettled in the U.S.

Less than a month later on November 15, Clash Daily reports that the first wave of Syrian “refugees” has arrived, flown to the U.S. by the International Organization for Migration, which will be reimbursed by the State Department for the airfare.

According to the French news wire Agence France-Presse, 10,000 Syrian “refugees” recently arrived in New Orleans and will be resettled in Louisiana and 180 other American communities where they will be “aided” within the first 30 to 90 days in settling and finding employment in the area. After approximately 90 days, refugees are no longer eligible for the State Department-funded support that they were receiving through migrant and refugee “voluntary agencies”. However, they will be eligible for “support programs” through the Department of Health and Human Services.

It is unclear how much the screening process for the 10,000 Syrian refugees will cost American taxpayers. Last year, the State Department spent $1.1 billion resettling people from around the world in the U.S., which comes to about $16,000 per person — a figure that does not include later “support programs” or welfare.

Those 10,000 Syrians are merely the first wave.

The New York Times reports that on Sept. 27, 2015, Secretary of State John Kerry said the Obama administration will increase the number of worldwide refugees the U.S. accepts each year to 100,000 by 2017, a significant increase over the current annual cap of 70,000. Kerry said the United States would explore ways to increase the overall limit of refugees beyond 100,000, while carrying out background checks to ensure that their numbers are not infiltrated by terrorists.

The advocacy group has been pressing the United States to take 100,000 Syrians next year, while complaining that even “this minimal increase for next year is certainly not a strong response to the largest refugee crisis since World War II.”

Under the new plan announced by Kerry, the limit on annual refugee visas would be increased to 85,000 in 2016. The cap would then rise to 100,000 the following year. 

Sean Hannity is being derided for falling for a parody site’s claim that Obama plans to bring 250,000 Syrian refugees to America. But if you add the 11,854 Syrians already here to the 85,000 (for 2016) and the 100,000 (for 2017), you get a total of 196,854 Syrian refugees brought into the United States in the next two years, which is not that different from the 250,000 figure.

We don’t know nor will we be told how many of those tens of thousands of Syrian refugees are Muslims, instead of Christians.

Syrians are only a portion of the “refugee” crisis. Thus far, about four million Syrians have fled to other countries; hundreds of thousands of others from the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia have been pouring into Europe.

The three largest groups of refugees admitted to the U.S. last year were from Iraq, Somalia and Bhutan. Syrians were at the bottom of the list of nationalities. If 197,000 Syrians will be resettled in the U.S. by 2017, we can imagine what the total number of “refugees” coming to America will be.

In the meantime, America’s national debt continues to escalate to an official figure of $20 trillion (and an unofficial estimate of many times that).

See also:

  • Letter from Germany: Europe is in chaos
  • Michigan governor puts refugee acceptance efforts on hold
